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A case for dissolving the Nation State

The world is inundated (literally in some countries) with strife, discord and suffering.

The world is also filled with the possibility of happiness, peace and contentment.

Almost all problems in the world come from the concept of seperateness. Where we mistakenly believe that we are special enough, that we are better than someone else. Where we do not understand that fundamentally, we are the same. That we are literally the same.

This goes from the individual, to the family, to the neighbourhood, to the town and cities, to districts and states, until finally it reaches the level of nations and beyond. Science fiction tells us that at some point, this balooning of ego will circle planets and moons.

I believe one fundamental problem with nations is also their greatest benifit, a sense of identity. This sense of identity goes down to the individual's level. And human beings, unfortunately, are taught to cling to a sense of identity from a very young age. Without this sense, it is easy for many to lose their sense of purpose and belonging.

And this is the reason, why we see such attachment to our identities, and why we defend them, or engage in trying to augment them, in such senseless ways.
