Aren't all religions and philosophies fundamentally talking about the same thing?
It. The existence or non-existance of It. Of God. Of Life. Of the source of Life.
Take Nietschze. Now, he wrote about many different areas of philosophy, but if you take his philosophy of Amor Fati, isn't it the same as mindfullness, as living in the present moment, as the power of Now?
Doesn't Kierkegaard talk about the same thing?
Don't Seneca, Marcus Aurelious basically talk about the same thing through stoicism?
Literally all the Sufi saints?
All of the ancient Hindu mystics?
Tao? Zen?
Kant, Hegel, Hume?
Einstein? Gödel?
And lastly, and also leastly, hehe, me.
I too say the same thing. That all things come from one and go back to one.
So basically, I do not understand where all the conflict in the world comes from. Or maybe I do. It's because we concentrate on all the differences that all these people have talked about in the entirety of their philosophical/relgious discographies, but not on this one common thread, that really is common to almost everyone.