Data structure that forms some kind of meaningful hierarchy on a set of Data.
Start off with a node that is called the root. Nodes in trees are connected by edges. (C++: abstract, represented by pointers that connect to other nodes). (Could also be represented by array index)
The nodes of a linked list are kinda like a tree, each connected by a one-directional edge that is represented by the next pointer. The pointers have no special meaning other than acting as links. In trees, the links or edges signify some relationship.
A tree itself is a type of graph.
Go here[./treeTraversals.html] for traversal info.
General Trees
- Root, children, siblings, Parents
- Not so fast for searches etc
Binary Trees
- Two child nodes max, left and right
- fast insertions, deletions and searching
- keys play important role:
- if key of node is higher than root, new node is placed on right, otherwise as left child
- if a child already exists, new node is allocated to right or left of child
- the larger the tree, n, the more efficient some algorithsm:
- in ordered array of 1000k items, would need on average 500k comparisons to find position of object. In binary Tree, would need max 20 comparisons.
- C = log(N-1)
- depends on if tree is balanced or not (has on average equal number of left and right child nodes)
- worst case unbalanced is when nodes inserted in ascending or descending order, which results in a completely one sided tree, or a list.
- the order in which nodes are inserted decides if a tree is balanced or unbalanced and how unbalanced
- k dimensional tree, keys have multiple (k) dimensions
- range searches, nearest neighbor searches, space partitioning etc
- kd tree with one dimension == binary tree
- balanced tree, multiple child nodes can be attached to one node according to predefined range.
- if node violates range, tree is reordered by joining nodes together or splitting them.
- waste maybe more space but do not need to be rebalanced as often
- kept balanced by keeping all lead nodes on same depth
- more complicated to implement, used in databases etc
2-3 trees
- b-trees of order 3 (can have upto 3 child nodes for each node)
- a node with data item can have two children, a node with two data items can have 3 children.
- self balancing tree, ordered tree
2-3-4 trees
- order of 4 (4 child nodes up to)
- harder to implement than black-red tree but considered equivilant, isomorphic.
BSP tree
AVL trees
- self balancing binary search tree (2 child nodes for every node)
- heights? of child nodes differ most by one
- height value or balance factor : value of adding up all child node keys on both sides (left and right). Difference between these two totals should be 1,0,-1, or else tree is not balanced.
- balance factor of a node is the height of the right child minus the hight of the left child of any given node. If between -1 and 1, node is balanced.
- tree rotations used to keep tree balanced when isnerting deleting nodes
Red-black trees
- balanced binary trees.
- more complicated than a binary tree but easier than most b-trees
- insertion and deletions are different, top down or bottom up, alter structure of tree to keep it balanced.
- weakly ordered binary tree
- completely filled from left to right without gaps
every node in heap is larger than or equal to its child nodes
purpose usually to allow fast removal from top of heap (getting the max value repeatedly)
- keeps node with largest key as root key, on top of tree (depending on order condition)
- all nodes within are not necessarily in order, unlike binary trees.
- just that child nodes keys are lesser than root node key.
- STL priority queue uses heap as underlying data structure.
- cannot use binary search algorithm as for other trees because weakly ordered.
Heaps themselves often implemented as arrays with non linear expansion size when memory is not critical.
PriorityQueues by default are similar/maintain structure of Max Heap. -- PriorityQueue implemented using heap